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 S&K: Shoot and kill

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Co-créateur de la team
Co-créateur de la team

Nombre de messages : 429
Age : 37
Localisation : Epinouze - (Drôme)
Date d'inscription : 19/05/2008

S&K: Shoot and kill Empty
MessageSujet: S&K: Shoot and kill   S&K: Shoot and kill Icon_minitimeMar 12 Jan - 4:44

S&K is a Rainbow Six Vegas team created 2 years ago by shady and spags. The purpose of this team was to help french guys to play together and have some fun. Now the team want to enrol foreign people in order to improve the membership and have some fun with people all around the world.

We play in R6V each Sunday from 9pm to Midnight (+ or -). If u want to join us, or just play with us, come to our server. Also, most of us are playing every day.

We are branching into some other games like R6V 2, COD 4 and COD 6, and we are continuing the S&K spirit in these games with the S&K tag before our nicknames.

Our main focus is to play together and have some fun. Our keyword is RESPECT, between ourselves and to others.

Thanks for reading and see you online!
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